State Horticultural Show 2026, Schweinfurt

Client City of Schweinfurt, 2021

Team Stefan Bernard, Agata Waszczuk, Maria Zaghi, Moritz Mannstein, Asif Adnan

Award Competition recognition

Location Ledward Barracks, 97421 Schweinfurt

A "citizen park" is to be created on the site of the former Ledward Barracks. In 2026, this site will be used as an exhibition area for the Bavarian State Horticultural Show. Concept: As a "mediator", the new park responds to the heterogeneous structures in the surrounding area consisting of allotment gardens, I-Campus and I-Factory, student housing and listed sports facilities. The new park is accessed via three inviting entrance areas. The entrance areas are square-like expansions of the central circular path - the "Loop". The "Loop"represents a new and independent form and defines the transition between the condensed "action frame" with different offers of use and the free, slightly lowered "Great Lawn".