extension building primary school, Wandlitz
Client Municipality Wandlitz, 2022
Architecture FRÖLICHSCHREIBER Architects
Team Stefan Bernard, Agata Waszczuk, Fabian Lux, Sarah Südfeld
Award Competition 2nd price
Location An der Sporthalle 5, 16348 Wandlitz
An extension is to be built on the existing school ground. In addition to the school building and a sports hall, there are various sports areas and an day-care building on the property. With the design for an extension, the existing open spaces are to be optimized and redesigned in terms of their arrangement and size. Concept: In addition to the priority creation of new classrooms, the overriding aim of the design is to improve the development situation, the bundling of functions and better integration into the neighbourhood. For this purpose, a new school building is being built in addition to the existing one on the eastern part of the site. The new building is characterized by two building volumes shifted into one another with an opening gesture compared to the existing building. The central development axes from west and north meet on a central campus square with play, exercise and learning. The access axes themselves integrate raised beds for gardening, are accessible to everyone and are structured in an interplay with benches and play elements.